Who would you like to be photographed with? (required) —Please choose an option—Myself. This is a pampering session for myself. Treat me like a Queen.My Mum. I want to treat her to a luxury session and treasure these precious moments as portraits.My Daughter(s). I want to show her the way I see her.My family.The girls can come together to get styled , boys can arrive at the end for a beautiful family portrait.My son. He's my world and I need some treasured moments captured with him.My sweetheart. Me and my sweetheart would like some portraits as well as couple shots.My friends. We want a fabulous girl's day out. We each need our own pictures, and a group shot at the end.My pets. I would love some portraits of me and my pets.
How would you like to be photographed? Glamorous. Bring on the floor-length gown and the diamonds.Classic. More on the dressy side, but not black-tie formal.Professional. I'd like to be able to use my images for work.Casual. I want to look like "me." Friendly and Approachable.Sexy. I'm thinking about wearing a daring dress or maybe even lingerie.
Age ? —Please choose an option—Younger than 20In 20'sIn 30's40 and fabulous50 and fabulous60 and fabulous70 and fabulous
When would you like to be photographed? —Please choose an option—As soon as possibleNext monthWithin 3 monthsAfter 6 monthsNot sure yet
My preference for the photo shoot WeekendWeekdayI'm Flexible
Is there a special reason for this photoshoot ?
How did you hear about Arc-Portarits ?
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