Most of us keep using these words interchangeably . Even though the words can be used instead of each other, they have slight differences in meaning that can affect what you’re trying to say. Infact many might not realise that actually there is a difference between a “picture” and a “photograph”.
A “picture” is a more general term that can refer to many different types of visual expressions, including artwork created through drawing, painting, digital means, or photography. This means that a picture can take many forms, and can represent abstract or imaginary concepts as well as direct images from the real world. Pictures can be created through various artistic techniques and mediums, including pencil, ink, paint, charcoal, and digital tools. They can be entirely imaginative or based on real-life subjects
On the other hand, a “photograph” is a specific type of picture that is created using a camera. Typically, the camera captures an image by recording light onto a photosensitive surface such as film or a digital sensor. Because photographs are created from direct images of the real world, they are often considered to be more accurate and realistic than other forms of visual art.
In summary, a photograph is a type of picture, but not all pictures are necessarily photographs. A picture can be a broader term that includes various types of visual representations, while a photograph specifically pertains to images captured through the process of photograph.
Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash
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